Full Body Tantra

The Full Body tantra is first serious step to Tantra. It is of 90 min duration. Much sufficient for beginners and for those who are seeking individual sessions to just experience it.

Process: This level starts with 2 min Talk session to explain the use and method of level following 15 min light feathery touches. Then it starts with 63 min of full body palpation through sensuous touches with carrier oil on all over the body including genital palpation (Lingam) and hip palpation (Nitambam). After that 10 min Shower to remove the oils and freshen-up your body completes the session.

Note: Since cell phones are strictly forbidden, please turn them in at the front desk. If the session isn’t taking place at our center, turn off your phone and store it in a box or cabinet. The practitioner will end the session if your phone rings.

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